Package-level declarations
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class AudioConfig(val mimeType: String = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC, val startBitrate: Int = 128000, val sampleRate: Int = getDefaultSampleRate(mimeType), val channelConfig: Int = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, val byteFormat: Int = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, val profile: Int = getDefaultProfile(mimeType), val enableEchoCanceler: Boolean = true, val enableNoiseSuppressor: Boolean = true) : Config
Audio configuration class. If you don't know how to set class members, Video encoding recommendations should give you hints.
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data class BitrateRegulatorConfig(val videoBitrateRange: Range<Int> = Range(500, 10000), val audioBitrateRange: Range<Int> = Range(128000, 128000))
Bitrate regulator configuration. Use it to control bitrate
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class VideoConfig(val mimeType: String = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, val startBitrate: Int = 2000000, val resolution: Size = Size(1280, 720), val fps: Int = 30, val profile: Int = getBestProfile(mimeType), val level: Int = getBestLevel(mimeType, profile), val gopDuration: Float = 1.0f) : Config
Video configuration class. If you don't know how to set class members, Video encoding recommendations should give you hints.