
class VideoConfig(val mimeType: String = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, val startBitrate: Int = 2000000, val resolution: Size = Size(1280, 720), val fps: Int = 30, val profile: Int = getBestProfile(mimeType), val level: Int = getBestLevel(mimeType, profile), val gopDuration: Float = 1.0f) : Config

Video configuration class. If you don't know how to set class members, Video encoding recommendations should give you hints.

See also


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constructor(mimeType: String = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, resolution: Size = Size(1280, 720), startBitrate: Int = getBestBitrate(resolution), fps: Int = 30, profileLevel: MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel, gopDuration: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(mimeType: String = MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, startBitrate: Int = 2000000, resolution: Size = Size(1280, 720), fps: Int = 30, profile: Int = getBestProfile(mimeType), level: Int = getBestLevel(mimeType, profile), gopDuration: Float = 1.0f)


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object Companion


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Get default encoder name. If name is null, it won't be possible to start a stream.

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val dynamicRangeProfile: DynamicRangeProfile

The dynamic range profile. It is deduced from the profile. See Also: DynamicRangeProfiles

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val fps: Int = 30

Video framerate. This is a best effort as few camera can not generate a fixed framerate.

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val gopDuration: Float = 1.0f

Video encoder I-frame interval in seconds. This is a best effort as few camera can not generate a fixed framerate. For live streaming, I-frame interval should be really low. For recording, I-frame interval should be higher. A value of 0 means that each frame is an I-frame. On device with API < 25, this value will be rounded to an integer. So don't expect a precise value and any value < 0.5 will be considered as 0.

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Check if this configuration is supported by the default encoder. If format is not supported, it won't be possible to start a stream.

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val level: Int

Video encoder level. Encoders may not support requested level. In this case, StreamPack fallbacks to default level. ** See ** MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel

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The encoder mime type. Only MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC is supported yet.

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val profile: Int = 0

The encoder profile. Only applicable to AAC, AVC, HEVC, VP9, AV1.

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Video output resolution in pixel.

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The encoder bitrate in bits/s.


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Get resolution according to device orientation

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Check if this configuration is supported by the specified encoder. If format is not supported, it won't be possible to start a stream.

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open override fun toString(): String