Foreground service that manages screen recorder streamers.
To customise this service, you have to extend this class.
In your AndroidManifest, you have to add:
To customize notification, you can override:
R.string.service_notification_* string values
override open onNotification methods: onConnectionSuccessNotification, onConnectionLostNotification, onConnectionFailedNotification and onErrorNotification
If you want to keep the notification, you shall not override BaseScreenRecorderStreamer.onErrorListener and ILiveStreamer.onConnectionListener.
the notification id a unique number
the notification channel id
A string resource identifier for the user visible name of the notification channel.
A string resource identifier for the user visible description of the notification channel.
A drawable resource identifier for the user visible icon of the notification channel.
Get list of 10-bit dynamic range output profiles.
Get supported auto exposure modes.
Get supported auto focus modes.
Gets supported auto white balance modes
Get camera characteristics.
Get if camera supports exposure metering regions.
Gets exposure range.
Get exposure compensation step.
Gets camera facing direction.
Get if camera supports focus metering regions.
Get supported lens distance range.
Gets max scaler zoom.
Get supported iso range
Get if camera supports white balance metering regions.
Gets zoom ratio range.
Get if the system supports external cameras.
Get if the system supports the given feature.
Whether the camera supports 10-bit dynamic range output.
Check if string is a back camera id
Check if string is an external camera id
Checks if the camera has a flash device.
Checks if the camera supports a frame rate
Check if string is a front camera id
Checks if the camera supports optical stabilization.