
abstract class BaseStreamer(context: Context, audioSource: IAudioSource?, videoSource: IVideoSource?, muxer: IMuxer, endpoint: IEndpoint, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null) : EventHandler, IStreamer

Base class of all streamers.



application context


Video source


Audio source


a IMuxer implementation


a IEndpoint implementation


initialize OnErrorListener



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constructor(context: Context, audioSource: IAudioSource?, videoSource: IVideoSource?, muxer: IMuxer, endpoint: IEndpoint, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null)


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object Companion


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Access configuration helper.

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open override var onErrorListener: OnErrorListener?

Listener that reports streamer error. Supports only one listener.

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open override val settings: BaseStreamerSettings

Access extended streamer settings.


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@RequiresPermission(value = "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO")
open override fun configure(audioConfig: AudioConfig)

Configures audio settings. It is the first method to call after a BaseStreamer instantiation. It must be call when both stream and audio capture are not running.

open override fun configure(videoConfig: VideoConfig)

Configures video settings. It is the first method to call after a BaseStreamer instantiation. It must be call when both stream and video capture are not running.

@RequiresPermission(value = "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO")
open override fun configure(audioConfig: AudioConfig, videoConfig: VideoConfig)

Configures both video and audio settings. It is the first method to call after a BaseStreamer instantiation. It must be call when both stream and audio and video capture are not running.

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inline fun <T> IStreamer.getStreamer(): T?

Get a streamer if it from generic class or interface

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open override fun release()

Releases recorders and encoders object. It also stops preview if needed

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open suspend override fun startStream()

Starts audio/video stream. Stream depends of the endpoint: Audio/video could be write to a file or send to a remote device. To avoid creating an unresponsive UI, do not call on main thread.

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open suspend override fun stopStream()

Stops audio/video stream.