Package-level declarations
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class AudioOnlySrtLiveStreamer(context: Context, tsServiceInfo: TsServiceInfo = context.defaultTsServiceInfo, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null, initialOnConnectionListener: OnConnectionListener? = null) : BaseAudioOnlyLiveStreamer, ISrtLiveStreamer
A BaseAudioOnlyLiveStreamer that sends only microphone frames to a remote Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) device.
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class CameraSrtLiveStreamer(context: Context, enableAudio: Boolean = true, tsServiceInfo: TsServiceInfo = context.defaultTsServiceInfo, bitrateRegulatorFactory: IBitrateRegulatorFactory? = null, bitrateRegulatorConfig: BitrateRegulatorConfig? = null, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null, initialOnConnectionListener: OnConnectionListener? = null) : BaseCameraLiveStreamer, ISrtLiveStreamer
BaseCameraStreamer that sends microphones and camerao frames to a remote Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) device.
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class ScreenRecorderSrtLiveStreamer(context: Context, enableAudio: Boolean = true, tsServiceInfo: TsServiceInfo = context.defaultTsServiceInfo, bitrateRegulatorFactory: IBitrateRegulatorFactory? = null, bitrateRegulatorConfig: BitrateRegulatorConfig? = null, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null, initialOnConnectionListener: OnConnectionListener? = null) : BaseScreenRecorderLiveStreamer, ISrtLiveStreamer
BaseScreenRecorderStreamer that sends microphone and screen frames to a remote Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) device. To run this streamer while application is on background, you have to extend a Service. To simplify the integration, a service is provided in ScreenRecorderSrtLiveService.