
class ScreenRecorderSrtLiveStreamer(context: Context, enableAudio: Boolean = true, tsServiceInfo: TsServiceInfo = context.defaultTsServiceInfo, bitrateRegulatorFactory: IBitrateRegulatorFactory? = null, bitrateRegulatorConfig: BitrateRegulatorConfig? = null, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null, initialOnConnectionListener: OnConnectionListener? = null) : BaseScreenRecorderLiveStreamer, ISrtLiveStreamer

BaseScreenRecorderStreamer that sends microphone and screen frames to a remote Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) device. To run this streamer while application is on background, you have to extend a Service. To simplify the integration, a service is provided in ScreenRecorderSrtLiveService.

As an example, see demo-screenrecorder.



application context


Boolean.true to also capture audio. False to disable audio capture.


MPEG-TS service description


a IBitrateRegulatorFactory implementation. Use it to customized bitrate regulator. If bitrateRegulatorConfig is not null, bitrateRegulatorFactory must not be null.


bitrate regulator configuration. If bitrateRegulatorFactory is not null, bitrateRegulatorConfig must not be null.


initialize OnErrorListener



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constructor(context: Context, enableAudio: Boolean = true, tsServiceInfo: TsServiceInfo = context.defaultTsServiceInfo, bitrateRegulatorFactory: IBitrateRegulatorFactory? = null, bitrateRegulatorConfig: BitrateRegulatorConfig? = null, initialOnErrorListener: OnErrorListener? = null, initialOnConnectionListener: OnConnectionListener? = null)


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open override val isConnected: Boolean
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open override val latency: Int

Get/set bidirectional latency in milliseconds. See: SRT Socket Options

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open override var onErrorListener: OnErrorListener?
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open override var passPhrase: String

Get/set SRT passphrase. See: SRT Socket Options

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open override val settings: BaseStreamerSettings
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open override var streamId: String

Get/set SRT stream ID. See: SRT Socket Options


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open override fun configure(audioConfig: AudioConfig)
open override fun configure(videoConfig: VideoConfig)
open override fun configure(audioConfig: AudioConfig, videoConfig: VideoConfig)
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open suspend override fun connect(connection: SrtConnectionDescriptor)

Connect to an SRT server with correct Live streaming parameters. To avoid creating an unresponsive UI, do not call on main thread.

open suspend override fun connect(url: String)
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open override fun disconnect()
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open override fun release()
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open suspend override fun startStream()
open suspend override fun startStream(url: String)

Same as BaseScreenRecorderLiveStreamer.startStream but also starts bitrate regulator.

open suspend override fun startStream(connection: SrtConnectionDescriptor)

Connect to an SRT server and start stream. Same as calling connect, then startStream. To avoid creating an unresponsive UI, do not call on main thread.

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open suspend override fun stopStream()

Same as BaseScreenRecorderLiveStreamer.stopStream but also stops bitrate regulator.