
This class represents a SRT socket. To avoid creating an unresponsive UI, don't perform SRT network operations on the main thread. Once it has been called, you must release Srt context with Srt.cleanUp when application leaves.


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constructor(af: StandardProtocolFamily)

Deprecated version of SrtSocket constructor. Argument is ignored. Also, it crashes on old Android version (where StandardProtocolFamily does not exist).


Creates an SRT socket.


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interface ClientListener

This interface is used by a client SrtSocket to notify SRT socket events.

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object Companion
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interface ServerListener

This interface is used by a server SrtSocket to notify SRT socket events.


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Gets the time when SRT socket was open to establish a connection.

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Retrieves the remote InetAddress to which the socket is connected.

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Tests if the SRT socket is bound.

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Tests if the SRT socket is closed.

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Tests if the SRT socket is connected.

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Check if the SRT socket is a valid SRT socket.

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Extracts the InetAddress to which the socket was bound.

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Extracts the port to which the socket was bound.

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Retrieves the remote InetSocketAddress to which the SRT socket is connected.

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val port: Int

Retrieves the port to which the SRT socket is connected.

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Sets/gets the value of the SockOpt.RCVBUF option for this SRT socket.

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Set/get detailed reason for a failed connection attempt.

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Tests if SockOpt.REUSEADDR is enabled.

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Sets/gets the value of the SockOpt.SNDBUF option for this SRT socket.

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Extracts the InetSocketAddress to which the socket was bound.

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Gets the current status of the socket.

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Returns setting for SockOpt.LINGER.


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Accepts a pending connection.

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fun available(): Int

Get the size of the available data in the receive buffer.

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fun bind(address: InetSocketAddress)
fun bind(address: InetAddress, port: Int)
fun bind(address: String, port: Int)

Binds the socket to a local address.

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fun SrtSocket.bind(srtUrl: SrtUrl)

Binds the socket to a local address.

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external fun bistats(clear: Boolean, instantaneous: Boolean): Stats

Reports the current statistics.

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external fun bstats(clear: Boolean): Stats

Reports the current statistics.

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open override fun close()

Closes the socket or group and frees all used resources.

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fun connect(address: InetAddress, port: Int)
fun connect(address: String, port: Int)

Connects a socket to a specified address and port.

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fun SrtSocket.connect(srtUrl: SrtUrl)

Connects a socket to an URL.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Return true if internal SRT socket are equals

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fun getInputStream(msgCtrl: MsgCtrl? = null): InputStream

Returns an input stream for this socket.

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fun getOutputStream(msgCtrl: MsgCtrl? = null): OutputStream

Returns an output stream for this socket.

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open override fun getSockFlag(opt: SockOpt): Any

Gets the value of the given socket option.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun listen(backlog: Int)

Sets up the listening state on a socket.

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fun recv(size: Int): ByteArray
fun recv(size: Int, msgCtrl: MsgCtrl): ByteArray
fun recv(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, byteCount: Int = buffer.size): Int
fun recv(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, byteCount: Int = buffer.size, msgCtrl: MsgCtrl): Int

Received a message from a remote device

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fun recvFile(file: File, offset: Long = 0, size: Long, block: Int = 7280000): Long

Receives a file. File will be located at path.

fun recvFile(path: String, offset: Long = 0, size: Long, block: Int = 7280000): Long

Receives a file. File will be located at path.

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fun rendezVous(localAddress: InetSocketAddress, remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress)
fun rendezVous(localAddress: InetAddress, remoteAddress: InetAddress, port: Int)
fun rendezVous(localAddress: String, remoteAddress: String, port: Int)

Performs a rendezvous connection.

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Performs a rendezvous connection.

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fun send(msg: ByteBuffer): Int
fun send(msg: ByteArray): Int
fun send(msg: String): Int
fun send(msg: ByteBuffer, msgCtrl: MsgCtrl): Int
fun send(msg: ByteArray, msgCtrl: MsgCtrl): Int
fun send(msg: String, msgCtrl: MsgCtrl): Int
fun send(msg: ByteBuffer, ttl: Int = -1, inOrder: Boolean = false): Int
fun send(msg: ByteArray, ttl: Int = -1, inOrder: Boolean = false): Int
fun send(msg: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int): Int
fun send(msg: String, ttl: Int = -1, inOrder: Boolean = false): Int
fun send(msg: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int, msgCtrl: MsgCtrl): Int
fun send(msg: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int, ttl: Int = -1, inOrder: Boolean = false): Int

Sends a message to a remote party.

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fun sendFile(file: File, block: Int = 364000): Long
fun sendFile(file: File, offset: Long = 0, size: Long = file.length(), block: Int = 364000): Long
fun sendFile(path: String, offset: Long = 0, size: Long, block: Int = 364000): Long

Sends a specified file.

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open override fun setSockFlag(opt: SockOpt, value: Any)

Sets the value of the given socket option.